June 20, 2020


 (from groups.google.com/News Dashboard) (treasureCollection) News Archives: 05/20 Int J Infectious Dis (Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait City, Kuwait) Could the D614G substitution in the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein be associated with higher COVID-19 mortality? …..Overall, our observation speculates that the S-D614G strains may be more virulent, increasing the severity in infected individuals, especially in Europe where this mutation […]

D614G相關 Read More »


(From google Groups/sflinlab2020) 成功收到第一份 來自 Guest Forum 的測試文。 早上一直找不到「建立群組」按鈕,結果先在 @gmail.domain 建立一個新群組,邀請 @g.ntu加入,就成功了 a reply mail from lab account also works 先到 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!newtopic/sflinlab2020 論壇區發表主題  就可以開始玩… 賴亭羽<b002010033@gmail.com> Jun 23, 2020, 9:17:18 AM to sflinlab2020 玩…網站? 所以要貼主題的意思嗎? SFL<sflin1@gmail.com> Jun 23, 2020, 9:50:31 PM to sflinlab2020 Yes, post whatever you wish to discuss, record, or show-off here.

第一份測試po文 Read More »

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