Han Chong Toh

Han Chong Toh (National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore)“Cellular Immunotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Cancer: Learning from the Past for a Better Tomorrow” Tetrament of metastatic NPC with autologous dendritic cells transfigured with adenoviral veryor (AD5F35) expressing LMP1 and LMP2 genes in patients (NPC vaccine patient 004 –>  partial response; knowledge is of no value unless ups put […]

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Graham Taylor

Graham Taylor (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)“The NPC Immunotherapy Landscape” Broad CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses to vaccination in ex Vito ELIspot immune assays– weal pre-existing EBVNA1 and LMPO2 T-cell– Vaccination simulates multiple CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses within an individual; lpatuens– Anti-tumor T cell responses before vaccination– 95% T celll go to

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Rajiv Khanna

Rajiv Khanna (QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Australia)“Adoptive T Cell Therapy for NPC: Immune Correlates to Immune Contexture” Collaborates with Victor Lee, Dora Kwong, Hohn Nichols, Vivian Li, Daniel Chua, Randall ‘Tis Janice Tsang … at HKU) 2017/10/20 second CD19 CAR-T NPC T cell immunotherapy in the past 10 years Singapore group Adoptive T cell

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Lillian Siu

Lillian Siu (Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada)“Immune and Other Biomarkers of Resistance to Anti-PD1 Therapy in NPC” PDL1 in NPC, Limitation of ORR as a surrogate of benefit with IO therapies Other buiomarkers of interest (HLA-I, TMA, immunoprofuiling, radio is signatures, microbiome) HSC et al. PD-L1 >= 1% tumor cells or TILS (22C3) J Clin

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Troy Messick

Troy Messick (The Wistar Institute, USA)“Development of an EBNA1 Inhibitor for the Treatment of NPC: Toward First-in-Human Studies” EBNA1 is master regulator of ENBV latency ENA1 is the only viral protein expressed in all EBV cancers EBNA1 is required for cell transformation and tumorigenesius EBNA1 structure is now and druggable No EBNA1 orthologs in human

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Anne Lee

Anne Lee (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China & The University of Hong Kong at Shunzen)  “Challenges and Novel Approaches in Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma” HKNPC1301 study on IMRT (2001-2010) to further improve tomorrow control for poor risk group IMRT: parotid sparing (randomized trials on IMRT (late toxicity following IRT) Radiotherapy –

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Danny Rischin

Danny Rischin (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Australia)“Role of Chemotherapy in NPC: Not Novel, but Still Challenging” Discussion Leader (Brian OSuillivan): Danny Rischin is a leader of HNSCC! 哈,找了下PubMed還真的做許多HNSC相關研究 e.g. J Oral Pathol Med. 2018 Jan;47(1):18-24. The role of human papillomavirus in p16-positive oral cancers.Belobrov S1, Cornall AM2,3,4, Young RJ5, Koo K6, Angel C7, Wiesenfeld D1,6,8, Rischin

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Maria Massucci

Maria Massucci (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)“A Role of Bacterial Co-Infection in the Pathogenesis of NPC?” in immunosuppressive considerations. EBV positivity1. Immunotherapy blasting clymohoma (60&)    CNS localization (100%)3. Post-transplant lymphoma (100%)4. Lymphoma of the elderly (100%)5. Leiomyosarcoma (smooth muscles)[evidence suggesting the involvement of bacterial infections in NPC pathogenesis]• NPC is often associated with chronic bacteria infections

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Pierre Busson

Pierre Busson (Gustave Roussy, France)“Galectin-9 and Other Factors of Immune Escape in NPC Tumor Microenvironment: How to Bring Them Under Control?” Overview of TME [Co-evolution of tumor and stroma]M. Here’s at al, J Pathol 2013 (squamous-columnar junction cells From tumor micro environment to tumor macro-environment A gradient from tumor interstitial to the bloodstream Distant site:

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Daniel De Carvalho

Daniel De Carvalho (University Health Network / University of Toronto, Canada)“Translational Aspects of DNA Methylation in Cancer” [DNA Methylation patterns are tissue specific and conserved across individuals] Deconvoluting the tumor microenvironment from DNA methylation data CYBERSORT to profile TME TILS DNA methylation patterns are reprogrammed in cancer patients but retain tissue-specificitcirculating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) [Cancer

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