July 2018

Session 4: Lytic Cycle II

Session Chairs: Fanxiu Zhu & Richard Longnecker Oral Talk #29 The EBV Glycoprotein BDLF2 is Essential for the Infection of Stratified Epithelium Ian Hayman1, Joshua Walston1, Mindy Gore2, Lindsey Hutt-Fletcher2, Clare E. Sample1 1Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences […]

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Session 2A | 2B: Lytic Cycle I | Therapeutics & Vaccines

Lytic Cycle I : Linda van Dyk and Mei-Ru Chen Oral Talk #8 Continuous DNA Replication Is Required for Late Gene Transcription and Maintenance of Replication Compartments in Gammaherpesviruses Dajiang Li1, Wenmin Fu1, Sankar Swaminathan1,2 1Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine, 2George E. Wahlen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical

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Session 1: Gene Expression/Epigenetics

Session Chairs: Ke Lan and Wolfgang Hammerschmidt [9:00 AM – 10:30 AM]Oral Talk #2Global Changes in the Host B cell During the Pre-latent Phase of EBV InfectionPaulina Mrozek-Gorska1, Alexander Buschle1, Antonio Scialdone2, Thomas Schwarzmayr3, Wolfgang Hammerschmidt11Helmholtz Centre Munich Research Unit Gene Vectors, 2Helmholt Centre Munich Institute of Epigenetics and Stem Cells, 3Helmholtz Centre Munich Institute

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(新聞來源:中央社網站)微軟創辦人比爾.蓋茲(Bill Gates)愛讀書,他的書單經常成為書市話題,今年6月他做了一件以前沒做過的事:自掏腰包送給全美國大學、研究所畢業生一本書--公衛學者漢斯.羅斯林(Hans Rosling)的「真確:扭轉十大直覺偏誤,發現事情比你想的美好」。其實在這本書出版前,比爾.蓋茲就罕見地搶先分享,又在夏季書單中再次推薦,他為何如此推崇這本書? 比爾.蓋茲說:「這本書充滿了關於如何清晰地看待世界的建議。儘管我認為每個人都應該閱讀它,但對於那些正在從大學跳躍到下一個階段的人來說,它具有特別有用的見解。」他也希望大學畢業生能藉此學會真確思考,基於事實行動。

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For Trip Report

Regarding authentic NPC cell lines: Prof SW Tsao 請來 “Georgetown method” 原作,Dr. Liu, Xuefeng,Dr. Liu further introduced two papers, one from the Singapore group (non-malignant NP cells are easier to be established by this method), the other one from Prof Tsao’s lab (北非C15鼻咽癌細胞株之建立) Laboratory Investigation 2017 Scientific Reports 2018 而Prof Tsao自己實驗室新建立的鼻咽癌細胞株則將於Nat Commun發表, stay tuned 香港AoE

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