April 3, 2014


#1由 ingrid 在 三, 01/14/2015 – 16:52 發表。 RT-qPCR protocol #2由 ingrid 在 一, 01/05/2015 – 16:57 發表。 用GAPDH當internal control #3由 ingrid 在 一, 12/22/2014 – 16:18 發表。 arecoline-oral keratinocytes RT-qPCR相關的結果 送去做RNA-seq的OKB2細胞的RNA,做了3次RT-qPCR,但結果似乎都不如預期,只選擇一次結果放上去。 #4由 sufang 在 六, 01/10/2015 – 20:32 發表。 Nature. 2015 Jan Nature. 2015 Jan 8;517(7533):170-3. doi: 10.1038/nature14029. Glutathione activates virulence gene expression of an intracellular […]

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#1由 EVKVLIN 在 二, 05/12/2015 – 15:07 發表。 2014/05/20 IFA assay for p-gH2AX(S139) in dox-treated 293TetER AE703 Immunofluorescence assay for p-gH2AX(S139) in dox-treated 293TetER 5/6 Seed 1X10^5/6-well in 22mmx22mm coverslip 5/7 add Dox50ng/ml 5days 5/12 Immunofluorescence assay –> Fix with A. 100% iced MeOH -20degreeC 5min (3片NC,3片Dox) B. 2% paraformaldehyde RT10min (2片NC,2片Dox) ==> to test the fix condition (AE702) 5/15 Fixed

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由 mmiiee 在 四, 04/03/2014 – 11:43 發表 LIN Lab 2016 LabLog mmiiee 小嬿 LogID Title  Initial  Date AC001 To test EBV DNA polymerase primer by Q-PCR (trial 2) YJC 3/21/10 AC003 Test induction efficiency of TW01-EREVp2089 clones by SB (trial 2) YJC 3/22/10 AC004 To detect EBV Rta level between EREV8 and NA cells

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