20120619 journal club paper

20120619 journal club paper請按這裡下載簡報檔: ppt檔補充資料: Phase II的論文1. oral premalignant lesions口腔癌前病變的主要處理方式是外科切除。(參考資料:http://www.mmh.org.tw/taitam/onco_care/cancer_breast.asp?Ckinds_id=17)所以表格2中,病史中有先前經過外科切除的病人現在是復發。2.一開始即進行biopsy(baseline),口服不同濃度的GTE膠囊共12週後,再進行採樣。Higher mean baseline stromal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) correlated with aclinical (P = 0.04) but not histologic response. (stromal VEGF似乎可以當作預後因子)Stromal VEGF and cyclin D1 expression were downregulated in clinicallyresponsive GTE patients and upregulated in nonresponsive patients at 12 weeks (versusat baseline).

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ago2 transport

Dear all:  Here is a paper showing that importin 8 is required for cytoplasmic miRNA-guided gene silencing and affects nuclear localization of Ago proteins.                                                                       

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Dear all: 大家好!我是夏家那個喜歡用青春無敵的方式到處趴趴造&吃吃吃的小餅^__________^小餅… 源自於不可考的高中年代,請大家多多指教!

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