2011-2012 Rehearsal, Site Visit, and Retreat

2011/10/6–7 Rehearsal2011/10/29–30 Scientific Review/Site Visit2012/2/17–18 PI Retreat Review Member:鄭院士、龔院士、楊院士、劉院士、閻校長、洪院士、院長、王副院長 PI 23 RA/postdoc 20 Director Chang JYDrug discoverypast 3-yr publicationHuR bind to HIF1a mRNA stablization (inhibited by MPT0B098)MPT0B098 decreased cytoplams translocation of HuRMPT0B292 HDAC6 inhibitorHDAC6 acetylates a-tubulinCa2+ influx STIMI Ac actinWhat is the effect of actin acetylation upon STIM1 activation?nticancer efficacy of PLGA-30MGMT modulates therapeutic efficacy […]

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