04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏

To test the effect of U0126 on EBV Rta-induced EBV reactivation on TW01EREV-2716 1. 初步結果72hr 20uM U0126死了一半的細胞 (WST-1 assay) 2. 感覺Dox 48小時活細胞有隨著U0126濃度的增加而增加 3. Dox 72小時細胞全部懸浮於medium,感覺72小時Dox作用效果遠大於U0126。(這樣可以說U0126是擋不住ER的Function? 也許可以像學姊早上說的降低Dox的量) Next work will 1. Determine the cytotoxicity of U0126 on TW01EREV-2716 by WST-1 assay. 2. Confirm the expression kinetics (0-72hrs) of cell cycle regulators and viral proteins in Dox-treated […]

04/13 Lab Meeting- 小夏 Read More »