January 2011


剛剛再跟ingridko確認 當初 億康幫我們製作的KR Ab, 送出兩段peptide 分別是a.a.514-531與a.a.627-657 而我後來測試好用的660 是來自於a.a.627-657 有可能 認S634dm的能力較差 之後我會注意這點的

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1/26 Lab Meeting-ingrid

報告進度 (1) TW03Tet:因挑選細胞株TetR表現差,故重新挑選。TW05Tet:以#4進行接下來的穩定細胞株篩選 (#3、#4及#6送入液態氮),包括Flag-Luc、Flag-gZ+Rta(1:3)、Flag-Rta (2)以shLuc、shOGT、shMGEA5的lentivirus (稀釋倍數1/8) 送入ERKV (2.4×10^5/ml/well/12well) 中,24、48、72小時後,收lysates進行WB確認目標蛋白質是否有減少。 (3)以SK-N-SH cell lysates當作OGT Ab的positive control,同時確認goat二抗是否可用。

1/26 Lab Meeting-ingrid Read More »

01/26 Meeting 小嬿

Progress Report: 1. The stability of EBV Rta a. the expression level of RTS-15 and Flag-Rta is similar but slightly higher than Rta-V5. b. Rta expression level of 6-hr transfection is blocked by MG115 and fragmented into smaller size, and the fragments are stablized by MG115 treatment.2. The expression level of Akata-EGFP/EBV and Akata-p2089 is

01/26 Meeting 小嬿 Read More »


http://www.nature.com/nrc/journal/v11/n2/full/nrc3012.html It is generally assumed that tumours evolve through a progressive acquisition of mutations in the genome that allow cells to evade apoptosis, proliferate, invade and metastasize. However, in some instances one single event can lead to multiple coexisting mutations — the loss of telomeres results in end-to-end chromosome fusions that lead to chromosomal rearrangements.

chromothripsis Read More »

0119 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸

報告進度:1. 利用外送PCDNA3-Flag CDK9, PCMV-Flag2-DN-CDK9及PIRES-hrGFP-cyclin T1進行K-RTA的in vitro kinase assay, 初步看到KRTA被CDK9磷酸化,而DN-CDK9則不具有這樣的能力2. silence DDR1後對於oral cancer cells生長曲線的影響希望快快將data補起來!! 加油!!

0119 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸 Read More »

01/12 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸

報告英國Sahai先生兩篇collective cell migration的paper。2007年這篇是他們建立3D culture system研究squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)的collective invasion,他們發現,cancer associated fibroblast具有帶領一整群SCC invasion的能力。而cancer associated fibroblast會造成matrix remodeling及”track”的形成,以幫助SCC invasion,而這是經由integrin a3、a5、Rho-ROCK路徑。 2011這篇延續2007年的發現,進一步詳盡探討SCC的collective invasion,他們發現要發生collective invasion時,cancer cell的actomyosin (包含F-actin, phospho-MLC及MyosinⅡa)會reorganization。他們觀察到癌細胞與細胞間的actomyosin的活性都是明顯下降的,並進一步發現DDR1會參與actomyosin活性的調控,而DDR1調控collective invasion與它已知的ligand ”collagen”及它的kinase activity沒有太大的關聯性。利用GST-pull down發現DDR1會與Par3及Par6的PDZ domain形成complex,並進一步影響RhoE的分佈,而影響ROCK driven的actomyosin活性,因此,一但阻斷DDR1/Par3/Par6,SCC的collective invasion則會被中斷。本篇提供了DDR1/Par3/Par6在SCC的collective invasion時可能扮演的角色。

01/12 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸 Read More »

01/12 Lab Meeting-小嬿

報告進度: 1. 偵測Dox-treated TW01-EREV-26/27的 a. viral particles, 似乎隨時間增加, 但infectivity待測 b. viral protein expression pattern比EREV8稍快 c. 27的viral particles production比26高 d. 此次的NaB效果遠比Dox低, 可多試NA或EREV8當positive control, 確定NaB效果 e. 細胞數少的induction efficiency較好 2. ChIP的sonication條件: fixation mode: suspension cell conc: 1.5 x 10^7 cells/ml, sonication vol: 150 ul/reaction sonication cycle: 30″ ON, 30″ OFF, for 10 cycles 3. RTS-15與Flag-Rta送入293細胞後的表達量相當, 但加MG115之後未stablize Rta的量

01/12 Lab Meeting-小嬿 Read More »

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