December 2010

12/29 Lab Meeting-ingrid

報告進度(1) TW03Tet有10株細胞株,TW05Tet有8株細胞株,已凍管且收好cell lysates等待Western analysis確認。 (2) 目前要進行的實驗如下a. 將不同稀釋倍數(0、1、1/2、1/4、1/8、1/16)的pAS-EGFP lentivirus送入293中,48小時後,計數細胞存活及死亡比率,同時跑FLOW。(這次infection時,不從細胞上移除含有polybrene的medium)b. 以shLuc、shOGT、shMGEA5的lentivirus送入ERKV中,24、48、72小時後,收lysates進行WB確認目標蛋白質是否有減少。c. 將OGT Ab的條件抓好。

12/29 Lab Meeting-ingrid Read More »

12/22 Lab Meeting-ingrid

報告Hart新作:(1) 以chemoenzymatic assay及抗體確認histone有O-GlcNAcylation(2) 以LC MS/MS定義出histone上有被O-GlcNAc修飾的位點:Ser47 of H4、Ser36 of H2B和Thr101 of H2A(3) Heat shock(45℃,1hr)及後續的recovery的時候,發現histone的O-GlcNAc程度逐漸提升,同時OGT活性也有緩慢上升(4) 以MNase chromatin-sensitivity assays檢測發現Heat shock及後續的recovery時候,Chromatin(染色質)會condense(5) 過量表現OGT會比過量表現GFP的細胞的染色質更加condense

12/22 Lab Meeting-ingrid Read More »

12/22 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸

1. 成功移除OEC-M1內的mycoplasma2. 比較多株口腔癌細胞DDR1 autophosphorylation的情形 初步結果顯示台灣地區口腔癌細胞株的DDR1 tyrosine phosphorylation的程度較高3. 一系列K-RTA vs. CDK1,2,6,9的in vitro kinase assay 仍須再試條件 讓結果更明顯 希望會成功!!!

12/22 Lab Meeting-蔡小丸 Read More »


原文Nature.Next, we performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) on approximately 115 human tissues ranging from benign nevi to metastatic melanoma (tissue set 1). mH2A2 antibody was used for IHC, as it produced clear nuclear staining, and tissues were independently scored by two blinded dermatopathologists with excellent interobserver consistency. IHC demonstrated that although mH2A2 is abundantin melanocytes of benign

For DDR1 IHC Read More »

12/15 Lab Meeting-小嬿

報告進度:1. TW01EREV_S無法用SAHA induction成功–>放棄S2. 所建立的Akata-p2089, 用hIgG沒有辦法induction(by Q-PCR), 在induce 96hrs情況下, 看不到Rta, Zta及EAD表現, 但有少量的gp350/220. 根據之前研究, 可續偵測LMP2A的存在與否.3. Akata-EGFP/EBV在hIgG induce 48hrs可到達plateau (in sup, by Q-PCR).4. 目前所建立的35個TW01EREV中, EBV Rta表達量高者似乎無法induction, 僅有TW01EREV-26可用NaB產出較高量的病毒; 在EBV Rta表達中量者中, 挑到1個Dox與 NaB效果相當-TW01EREV-27. 但其induction rate, viral particles等細項仍須confirm.5. 搜尋其他研究者的ChIP sonication 條件.

12/15 Lab Meeting-小嬿 Read More »

12/7/OrCA meeting

(1) 夏興國:(a) 40 T/N. 三個miRNA clusters →14q32, 21q and X。其中 14q32 and 21q are down-regulated, whilst X region is up-regulated. (b) Xq26.24 (Wnt receptors) and 14q32.2 (Wnt ligand e.g., Wnt 2, Wnt 7A and 7B) seem to indicate Wnt pathway is involved in OSCC. (2) 張所長: (a) Metastasis MMP高CTSS高,但用藥卻failed. Serine protease may be more interesting!

12/7/OrCA meeting Read More »

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